Systemic Justice



April 18, 2022

Scripture Reading: Acts 5:27-32

When they had brought them, they had them stand before the council. The high priest questioned them, saying, ‘We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you are determined to bring this man’s blood on us.’ But Peter and the apostles answered, ‘We must obey God rather than any human authority. The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, so that he might give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.’

And so, we have another new beginning. God is merciful and just and God never seems to give up on us. Easter was observed yesterday with bright colors, beautiful music, baptisms, and celebration of the resurrection. A new day has dawned. We like the first-century disciples now must lay aside the that which holds us back and as Hebrews 12:1 states, Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.

Indeed, we must atone for our individual deviations from God’s purposes. However, we perhaps have homed in on personal sin while ignoring the systemic sin we ignore that hurts everyone. No one needs to be poor in our world today. There are enough resources to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the sick, welcome the stranger, and restore the prisoner. It does not matter what name we give to our form of governance or economic systems. What matters is that all are loved and have access to the basics of life that will allow everyone to experience the abundant life Jesus called for in John 10:10b, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” God’s abundance is not measured in dollars and cents. Such abundance speaks of healthy minds and bodies but also the fullness of love, joy, and hope we possess through our relationships with God and with one another.

As some of us sang on Easter, we do serve a living Savior and he is in the world today. There is nothing we do in service to God and God’s whole creation that is not enhanced by the Spirit’s presence and guidance, let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us.

Prayer: Lord, lead us to come together in spirit and in truth to address the systemic changes needed in our world today. Amen.

All scriptures are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright 1989, 1995, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights are reserved.