Seeking Oneness

March 7, 2018

 Scripture Reading: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
   for his steadfast love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
   those he redeemed from trouble
and gathered in from the lands,
   from the east and from the west
   from the north and from the south. –Psalm 107:1-3

I just read a sobering editorial about how uncivilized our country is becoming. People are going out of their way to vent nonspecific anger at anyone, anytime. Evil functions best in turmoil, real or created.

Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand. (Matthew 12:25b)

Christ calls his followers to oneness, calls us to find ways to love each other in spite of our differences. Why do we waste so much energy and time on hostility and gridlock? If we seek common ground in the name of Christ, we will find a place to start even if it is a tiny opening into oneness.

Here is a challenge. Every time we encounter divisiveness in a discussion during the remainder of Lent, let us commit to seeking first common ground. We might start by saying, “ I understand we are miles apart on this issue but let’s see if we can find one avenue of response on which we can agree?” Perhaps we can suggest something simple. If we are in a working group, listing suggestions on a flip chart or post-its stuck on a wall might help. While making a list, consider all ideas. Through a narrowing process, see how many the whole group can identify as valid approaches. Another process that I have found helpful for groups of 16 or more is the World Café*. It is a non-judgmental way of listening to each other without reaching discissions but gaining discernment on various perspectives.

A friend recently recommended a book for me to read that I accepted but when I got home and looked at some of the people who recommended it, I did not want to read it. I value the friend’s opinion, so I am reading the book. If my opinions cannot hold up to the test of the opposing opinions, I need to examine why I hold them.

In times like these, we need a close relationship with God and a deep understanding that God will guide us when we truly see the oneness Christ championed. God’s steadfast love does endure forever.

Prayer: Lord, make us whole enabling us to be at ease in your care as we walk the tightrope toward oneness. Amen.

*See at