Word of God

adding-to-Gods-Word-hearingLiving in the Spirit
October 8, 2015

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:12-16

Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account. –Hebrews 4:12-13

The “word” of God is getting a lot of play in the USA today, often quoted in political context. In Oklahoma a family donated and erected on the state capitol grounds a monument with the Ten Commandments engraved on it. I never saw it so I do not know which version of the Ten Commandments was included, probably the protestant one. A recent Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling ordered it to be removed because it did not meet the Oklahoma Constitutional requirements for separation of church and state. It was moved in the dark of night to the headquarters of a political think tank group, which rather gave credence to the court ruling, I thought.

The Bible is the story of God in the world over time and thus is the word of God to that extent. As John eloquently stated the Bible is not the whole story: But there are also many other things that Jesus did, if every one of them were written down, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. (John 21:25) Our living and being the Body of Christ in the world today is still creating the story.

John also described the Word of God as more than the written word. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. (John 1:1-2) I cherish the Biblical records of the people of God, read and study it regularly, and am constantly amazed at the new insights I see at each reading. It brings me closer to true communion with God, which I believe is its purpose. We are to live what we glean from it as we answer the call to faithful witness of the Word of God who came to us and dwelt among us full of truth and grace. (See John 1:14)

Prayer: Lord, I thank you for the many avenues of communion with you which you provide, for the prophets and poets and for your Son Christ Jesus who all attested to your

All scriptures are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright 1989, 1995, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of American. Used by permission. All rights reserved.