Whatever It Takes

Lent 2014
March 20, 2014

 Read Scripture: Exodus 16:1-8 

The whole congregation of the Israelites complained against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. The Israelites said to them, ‘If only we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate our fill of bread; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger.’  

 Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘I am going to rain bread from heaven for you, and each day the people shall go out and gather enough for that day. In that way I will test them, whether they will follow my instruction or not.’—Exodus 16:2-4 

When do we make the transition from helping to healing? That is the questions my church is struggling with regarding our work with Putnam Heights Elementary School. We have been doing some things with or for them for almost ten years. We help with school supplies; with stuffing the Food Bank backpacks sent home with the children on Friday who probably don’t have enough to eat over the weekend; with replacing lost coats, mittens, and gloves; with school uniforms when needed. And we have a few dedicated members who volunteer as tutors. Yet, the children still fail to flourish. 

Our story in the scripture today describes God’s commitment to rescuing the Israelites from Egypt. Once they found themselves removed from oppression, they realized there was more to freedom than just walking away from their captors. They still had to eat. Thus they complained bitterly about the lack of food even to saying they might have been better off had they died in Egypt. God’s response was to rain bread down amongst them. God was willing to do whatever it took to restore the Israelites to wholeness, but wholeness was God’s goal, not allowing them to maintain their status quo.  

Now, I find it scary to consider using God’s actions as our example for providing justice. However, I think God is calling us to do whatever it takes to enable all children, but particularly for us the children of Putnam Heights Elementary School to come unto God as the whole people God created them to be. Of this I am sure, if we too dedicate our life to God’s justice, God will be with us every step of the way and might even rain a little bread on us when necessary. 

Prayer: Mighty I AM, lead us forth out of our complacency into your engagement. Amen.

The identities of students, families, or staff in stories that are shared in the devotions have been altered to protect their privacy. Any similarities between these stories and the experience of others are coincidental. No stories about students, families of students, or staff from Putnam Heights Elementary School are included in any of these devotions.

All scriptures are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicized Edition, copyright 1989, 1995, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of American. Used by permission. All rights reserved.