Oneness within the Body of Christ


Third Week of Advent
Thursday December 19, 2013

 Read: Galatians 3:23-29

 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.—Galatians 3:28 

God did create something good. God did create humans in God’s image instilling in each one of the created a divine spark, a divine breathe of life. Such creatures were surely to be one of God’s greatest sources of joy and God theirs. It apparently was important to God that such a relationship be covenanted through the choice of the created. God had already made God’s commitment in the very act of creation.  

Such a relationship is manifested in love. Love is always a choice. We may experience “falling in love” through our emotions or our attractions, but the true test of love always goes back to choice. I chose to commit my life to God as God has chosen to love me. Such love and relationships are possible between and among all of God’s children when we chose to love one another. 

Love is a verb. It demands our fullest attention to make it meaningful. It may be the hardest work we will ever do. It will be the most joyous. Our loving one another, I believe, is the greatest source of joy for God. So why do we routinely seem unable or unwilling to make that choice? When we profess to love God with all our hearts, mines, and spirits, doesn’t that also entail loving all of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ even the ones with whom we may disagree? 

We are each on a spiritual journey at different places along the way. We are each very human and view the world through the filters we build up from life experiences that may make us see differently one from the other. But as children of God we are called to find the things on which we can agree and as the whole Body of Christ share in them in our preparation for the final oneness that God intends. My friends let us love one another, for love does come from God. (Based on 1 John 4.7) Who knows we might be surprised at how much can be accomplished from such a relationship. 

Prayer: O Lord, make us one, make us one. Amen.

All scripture passages are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version.