Wellbeing for All


Second Week of Advent
Sunday December 8, 2013

Read: Isaiah 11:1-10 

A shoot shall come out from the stock of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots.
The spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might,
   the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.
His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.—Isaiah 11:1-2 

While the theme of the second Sunday in Advent is often peace, the Hebrew word shalom may encompass a richer, deeper meaning, wellbeing. As we prepare for the coming of the Christ this week, we will explore shalom. 

Christians have long viewed the scripture today as the foreshadowing of Jesus and we would do well to read the whole citation as it weaves a way of being that closely relates to the ways of Jesus. The peace of God, shalom, is always used in social settings. While internal peace may be necessary to be a part of a community of peace, it is never described as the primary focus of shalom. 

Jesus did fear the Lord in awe, respect, reverence, and piety. I sometimes wonder if those of us who live in lands of plenty with perhaps inflated senses of self-sufficiency, give much thought to fearing God. We do so at our own peril for God’s love is for all God’s children and God’s expectation is that we share God’s love with all God’s children. It is a daunting challenge when one thinks about it and a challenge beyond our grasp save for the mighty acts of God that enables us to love the other. In sharing responsibility for the wellbeing for all, we first must tenaciously rest our own wellbeing with God. 

This Shoot of Jesse is described as not judging by what he sees and hears but by what is right. He is an advocate for the poor and the meek. In his world lambs and leopards rest together with their young as do bears and cows. Lions become vegetarians and children play safely next to poisonous snakes. There is no violence.  

Do we not all long for such a world? What is our role in making it a reality? How do we discern what is right in the complex world in which we find ourselves? How do we rise above the inertia of our complacency and see what is right and what is not for all God’s children? 

Prayer: God with us, open our hearts and minds to receive this week your gift of wellbeing. Open our eyes that we might see ways we can serve you toward the realization of wellbeing for all. Amen.

All scripture passages are quoted from the New Revised Standard Version.