Advent Devotions 2013

The Impact Team of the Oklahoma Conference of Churches has developed for your use a series of Advent devotions starting December 1, 2013 that can be read at Based on traditional Advent scriptures and themes these devotions are targeted at delving deeper into the importance of doing justice in our daily journey of faith.  Highlighted are the five areas in which the Impact Team builds its work toward justice. They are Criminal Justice & Corrections, Environment, Immigration, Education, and Poverty.  For further information about the work of the Impact Team and to see the theological statements that are the basis of its work go to  click on programs and then select  Impact on the Conference’s website.  Also look under programs at the Social Justice Ministry Network, if you would like to become more aware  or involved  with justice ministries in Oklahoma.

The devotions will appear at this place on the date they are to be read.  They will then be moved to the archive list above, if you wish to see a previous one.